Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Serpil OPPERMANN


Academic Titles

Professorship:  (Year, Field, University):
2000. English Literature. Hacettepe University                                                               

Associate Professorship: (Year, Field, University):
1994. English Literature. Hacettepe University

Assistant Professorship:  (Year, Field, University):
1989. English Literature. Hacettepe University

Lecturership: (Year, Field).N.A

Research Assistantship: (Year, Field):
1984. English Literature.

Academic Degrees

Ph.D:   (Year, Field, University): 
1987. English Literature. Hacettepe University

Title of Ph.D Thesis:  
“John Fowles as a Postmodernist: An Analysis of Fowles's Fiction within Metafictional Theories."  (UMI 8809274- Reg.# TX 2-550-728 Ann Arbor).
Included in the Bibliography of John Fowles: A Reference Companion. New York, London: Greenwood Press, 1991. (By James R. Aubrey) 
M.A.: (Year, Field, University)
1982. English Literature. Hacettepe University

Title of  M.A. Thesis:

“The Tragic Conflict Between Fate and Character in Thomas Hardy's Novels."

B.A.:  (Year, Dept., Faculty, University)
1980. English Literatur
e. Hacettepe University

Research Interests

Postmodern Fiction; Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theories and Criticism;Postmodern Theory of History; Ecocriticism; Ecophilosophy and Environmental Literature; Deep Ecology; Correlations between Postmodern, Ecological and Quantum Theories; Relations between Literature and Ecology;  Postcolonial British Literature; Interdisciplinary Approaches to Literary Studies.

Recent Publications

1. “Tarihyazımcı Postmodern Roman.” Frankofoni. Ortak Kitap 13. ( Ankara 2001):473: 482.

2. "Are We Really Interconnected? Ecophilosophy and Quantum Theory from a Postmodern Perspective" JAST: Journal of American Studies of Turkey. 16 (Fall 2002): 51-64.

3. “Wholesight and Implicate Order in the Postmodern Wormholes of Daniel Martin. John Fowles and His Work: The 8th Metu British Novelists Seminar Proceedings. Ed. Dürrin Alpakın Martinez-Caro. Ankara: Erk Yayıncılık, 2003.

4. "Towards an Ecocentric Postmodern Theory: Fusing Deep Ecology and Quantum Mechanics." The Trumpeter: A Journal of Ecosophy. 19. 1 (2003): 7-36.

5. “Ecocentric Postmodern Theory in the Literary Profession.” The Endangered Planet in Literature. IV.International Conference of Literatures in English. Selected Proceedings. 16-18 November 2005. Eds. Barry Tharaud and Elizabeth Pallito. Istanbul: Doğuş University, 2005. 122-140.

6. “Theorizing Ecocriticism:Towards a Postmodern Ecocritical Practice.” ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. 13.2 (Summer 2006): 103-128.

7. “Doğa Yazınında Beden Politikası.” Littera: Edebiyat Yazıları.Ortak Kitap (Journal for the Study and Research of World Literatures). 18 .13 (June 2006): 75-85.

8. “Ecological Imperialism in British Colonial Fiction.” H.U. Journal of Faculty of Letters. 24. 1 (June 2007):179-194.

9. “Seeking Environmental Awareness in Postmodern Fictions.” Critique. 49. 3 ( Spring 2008):  243-253.

Book Chapter: “Ecocentric Postmodern Theory as a Sustainable Ecocritical Thought:  Interrelations between Postmodern, Ecological, and Quantum Theories.” Ecocritical Theory and Prcatice:New  European Approaches. Eds. Kate Rigby and Axel Goodbody. Virgina State UP, 2008 (awating publication)

Book: Postmodern Tarih Kuramı: Tarihyazımı, Yeni Tarihselcilik ve Roman. 1999. Rpt. Ankara:
Phoenix, 2006. (Postmodern Theory of History: Historiography;  the New Historicism and the Novel)

Short Story:
"The Gap." (with Michael Oppermann)
 A-Way with it!Contemporary Innovative Fiction. Ed. Eckhard Gerdes. New York: Writers Club Press, 2002.  237-243.

Book Reviews:

1 a. "The Twilight of the Bums: A Reading" ( pp. 387-394); b."Raymond Federman:  99 hand-written poems/ 99 ècrits à la main. (A joint review with Michael Oppermann) (pp. 394-397);

2 a." Raymond Federman's Loose Shoes: a life story of sorts.  ( pp. 397-402);  b."Raymond Federman and George Chambers: The Twilight of the Bums” (A joint Review with Michael Oppermann) (pp. 402-404) in
The Laugh that Laughs at the Laugh: Writing from and about the pen Man, Raymond Federman.  (Journal of Experimental Fiction 23). 
Ed. Eckhard Gerdes. San Jose, New York, Lincoln, Shanghai: Writers Club Press, 2002. ( 387-404). 

3.”Postmodernism Gone Wild: Alev Alatlı’s Schrödinger’s Cat.”  Çankaya University Journal of Arts and Sciences. 6 (December 2006):231-237.

Recent Conference Papers

1. "Postmodernism in the Ecological Viewfinder: Ecocentric Postmodern Theory in the Literary Profession." 18.11.2005. 4th International Conference of Literatures in English: “The Endangered Planet in Literature” 16- 18 November  2005 Doğuş University, İstanbul.

2. “Doğa Yazınında Beden Politikası.” (Body in Nature Witing) “Yazında ve Çeviride Beden” (Akşit Göktürk’ü Anma Toplantısı).  15-18 March 2006.   İstanbul Üniversity- Facuşty of Letters and Sciences, Kuyucu Muratpaşa Medresesi. Istnabul.

3. “Ecological Imperialism in British Colonial Fiction.” 1st International IDEA Conference on:“Studies in English.” 24-26 April 2006.  ( Boğaziçi University, Department of Western Languages and Literatures, and IDEA -English Language and Literature Research Association), Istanbul.

4. “Seeking Environmental Awareness in Postmodern Fictions.” (Keynote Speech) 19-24 February 2007. International Conference on “Environment: Survival and Sustainability.” Near-East University, Nicosia (Lefkosha), Northern Cyprus.

5. “Turkish Landscapes in English Travel Writing From the Perspective of Ecological  Imperialism.” 25-27 June  2008. International Conference on “Orient and Occident: East Meets West.” Netherlands Institute, Istanbul; Université de la Picardie Amiens; Uni,versiteit Utrecht; Ankara University. Istanbul.

6. “To Whom It May Concern: Ecocritical Encounters with Metafiction.”  9-11October 2008  Tsinghua University. International Conference on “Beyond Thoreau: American and International Responses to Nature.” Beijing.


Classical Music; Alternative Medicine and Energy work;  Martial Arts; Eastern Philosophies